Get the most accurate weather data for your farm with the AgExpert and METOS® by Pessl Instruments integration
The latest AgExpert MyFarmConnect integration with METOS® by Pessl Instruments will transform the way farmers access and utilize weather data. AgExpert Field users can now seamlessly connect their METOS® weather stations to their farm management software, bringing a new level of efficiency to their farm operation.
Enhanced weather data for better farm management
With this integration, farmers can now receive the most accurate and up-to-date weather information directly within AgExpert Field. This includes real-time updates on weather conditions, wind speed, and wind direction. Having this detailed data is crucial for making informed decisions about planting, irrigation, and harvesting.
Transparency. Simplicity. Trust.
AgExpert and METOS® are Ag Data Transparent certified, so you can rest assured that your integrated data is always managed responsibly, and your privacy is protected to the highest standards.
How to get started
Sign in to your account to integrate with MyFarmConnect or register for an account today to start simplifying the management of your farm data.
See how easy it is to connect here.
For more information, please contact the AgExpert Customer Care Team at 1-800-667-7893 or