FCC AgExpert, your partner on the farm

Sep 20, 2019

“Who owns my data?” That is the most common question the AgExpert team hears as it trumpets the value of our farm management software across the country. With ADT certified AgExpert, the answer is simple: you own your data and always have the ability to take it with you. That assurance is chipping away at the uncertainty farmers have felt in the past about sharing their data. Our team has been meeting with accountants, customers and ag industry partners and it’s exciting to see trust building as we work to support the industry’s growth through better farm management.

Our team recently presented at AgSmart at Olds College, a close AgExpert partner.  This new event focuses on data and technology within the agricultural sector. People asked important questions about how companies collect, use, store and share their data. It feels good to confidently provide the assurance that AgExpert is dedicated to protecting privacy, building trust and being transparent. The ADT seal shows they can trust us with their information.

It’s so important that we keep sharing the AgExpert story. The more insight shared around data ownership, the more empowered those in the industry will be to become better business managers.

Article by: Fred Wall, FCC Vice-President, Marketing

Source: Ag Data Transparent Newsletter